Tesla Finally Closes Factories But May Re-Open


If it needs to step up to build ventilators.

TheTesla Model Yhasbegun deliveries this week, on time, marking a momentous achievement for the company. After missing deadlines with the Model 3, Tesla is happy to begin delivering its new SUV to customers ahead of schedule. The news has sadly been overshadowed by the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which poses a massive threat to the automotive industry and the world at large.

Tesla initially opted tokeep its US factories open, despite a "shelter in place" order coming for the entire California Bay Area. Due to the growing coronavirus concerns, Tesla will "temporarily suspend" its Gigafactory and Fremont plant starting on March 23. No time table has been given for when production will resume.


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the White House has urged automakers like Ford and General Motors toproduce medical equipmentsuch as ventilators to aid in the fight against COVID-19. Ford and GM are currently in talks with White House officials to convert their manufacturing capacity towards building ventilators.

While no modifications have been made to any factories just yet, Tesla may be willing to help as well. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has been critical of the coronavirus-induced panic in the past, said on Twitter, "We will make ventilators if there is a shortage."

2020 Tesla Model Y Front View Tesla
2020 Tesla Model Y Front View Tesla
2020 Tesla Model Y Side View Tesla
2020 Tesla Model Y Interior in White Tesla

Obviously, retooling would need to be done to Tesla's Fremont factory, which currently builds the Model S, Model X, Model 3, and now the Model Y. Musk has not yet ordered any of these changes but should an order come in from the Trump administration for automakers to build ventilators, it looks like Tesla is willing to take up the call. Automakers famously transitioned from building cars to tanks, planes, and ammunition during World War II. In this global disaster, the automakers may be called on once again.

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