Porsche's Wildest Design In Years Has Fascinating Back Story

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Designing this virtual concept sounds like it was a lot of fun.

Porsche has revealed some spectacular concepts recently, but not all of them are destined to reach production. Whereas the Mission R electric racer'spainstaking development processwas similar to that of any production model - which makes sense since it willinspire the next-generation 718- the recently unveiled视觉Gran Turismowas an entirely different project altogether.

Conceived purely as a virtual racing hypercar, Porsche's designers were freed from the limitations that come with creating a potentially production-bound concept. Thanks to a new video from Porsche, we have new insight into the Vision Gran Turismo's design and how it came to be.

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The video features several of the designers that worked on the Vision Gran Turismo, each detailing what inspired them and their thoughts about the virtual racer. With its low hood, wraparound windshield, and protruding taillight strip, the Vision Gran Turismo doesn't look like any other Porsche.

"Vision GT feels a bit like hanging out with five friends in your garage and just building a car together," said designer Fabian Schmolz. "You can get inspiration from anywhere. Ceramics, which I work on in my spare time, is one such inspiration for me," he said. He added that the ability to quickly shape products with his hands with ceramics is something he considered for this project.

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For Pegah Vaezzadeh, photography is a passion that he was able to delve into when working on the Vision GT. Playing with light through his photographs, for instance, is something he considered with the design of the concept. Salar Vakili, a designer who loves drawing things other than cars, said that it's "quite inspiring" to draw different objects from outside the automotive realm.

This diverse group of designers, each with their own unique take on things, came together to pen the Vision GT. It explains why the end result, while still a Porsche, can't be confused with the evolutionary911 Carrera.

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The team wanted a car that was small, light, and efficient, values that they say matter more in the current climate than they once did. Using classic rounded Porsche shapes as a base, these were tightened to dramatic effect for aerodynamic gains. They also incorporated the latest digital technology, even outside, where the Porsche lettering lights up to dazzling effect at the back.

While the Vision GT has a much smaller chance of one day rolling out of the Porsche factory and into your local dealership than the Mission R, it's an incredible showcase of what Porsche's design team can do when given the kind of freedom that comes with a virtual concept. The Vision GT will be available in Gran Turismo 7 for PlayStation 4 and 5. GT 7 will be released on March 4.

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