The Man Behind The New Supra Just Dropped Some Juicy Details And Smack Talked Porsche


Big words that we hope Toyota can back up.

Unfortunately we won't be seeing the new Toyota Supra at the 2015 Tokyo Motor Show. But the Japanese automaker isn't content with letting Mazda and the RX-Vision concept steal the spotlight, so it dropped some tasty tidbits about the reborn sports car. In an interview with the Australian outlet Motoring, Toyota's chief engineer for sports vehicle management, Tetsuya Tada, talked at length about the upcoming hybrid. If his comments are any indication, then the new Supra will beworth the interminable wait.

One of the biggest bombshells was that another Supra concept car would debut next year. Tada confirmed this when asked by Motoring. "Of course. We already prepare [a concept]. It's a surprise for next year." The concept is being designed to stun, with the chief engineer stating that "nobody will expect or imagine the new technology." One bit of new technology that Tada's team is looking at is a sequential gearbox. (Hurray!) However, that tech won't be used to create a brutish sports car with up to 700 horsepower. "That kind of horsepower makes no sense for our car. Almost all customers are not like professional racing drivers. They just want to enjoy, to feel something fun."

Tada said he was concerned that the new Supra could step on some toes over at Lexus. One thing he isn't concerned about is Porsche. When asked if the new Toyota sports carwould be better thana Porsche he replied simply: "Yeah, of course." Can it be next year yet?

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