Richard Hammond Was Involved In Another Scary Car Crash

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This guy must have nine lives.

Ex-Top Gear co-host Richard Hammond was involved in a serious car crash over the weekend in Switzerland while filming a segment for his current show, The Grand Tour. According to the英国广播公司, Hammond was behind the wheel of an all-electric Rimac Concept One during a practice run for an upcoming race. Somehow, Hammond lost control and the vehicle ended up on its roof and soon burst into flames. Fortunately, Hammond was conscious and able to escape only moments before the fire erupted.

In fact, he was "conscious and talking" and walked away from the crashed Rimac on his own but was still immediately airlifted to a nearby hospital "to be checked over." He only suffered a fractured knee and will make a full recovery.

Co-host Jeremy Clarkson tweeted that "it was the biggest crash I've ever seen and the most frightening but incredibly, and thankfully, Richard seems to be mostly OK." Hammond and co-hosts Clarkson and James May are currently filming season two of The Grand Tour, and, as we all remember, this wasn't the first time Hammond was involved in a serious crash. The infamous 2006 crash resulted in him suffering brain damage and was in a coma for two weeks. More recently, Hammond was in amotorbike accident in Mozambiquewhere he hit his head and was briefly knocked out. The exact cause of Hammond's most recent crash is under investigation, but the Rimac Concept One is a goner. But most importantly, our Hamster is going to be just fine.

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