Richard Hammond Hurt In Serious Motorbike Accident In Mozambique


Unfortunately this has happened to him before.

The Grand Tour and former Top Gear presenterRichard Hammondhas reportedly been injured in a motorbike accident in a remote part of Mozambique. Filming for the second season ofThe Grand Tour is well underway, and sources have toldThe Sunthat Hammond hit his head while stepping off the motorbike. "He really did hurt himself quite badly," according to Jeremy Clarkson. The Hamster, 47, was knocked out after he lost his balance coming off the bike, and hit his head.

他是无意识的在路边a remote part of the African nation. He was supposedly miles away from medical help. Fortunately, the filming crew immediately came to Hammond's aid, and were completely aware of the brain injury he suffered from 11 years ago when filming that now infamous Top Gear segment, which saw him speeding down a runway in a jet-powered car at 288 mph. Fortunately, he made a full recovery. Asked whether or not Hammond ended up going to the hospital this time around, Clarkson replied "We don't do hospitals." Both Clarkson and James May were present this time, and were "shaken," clearly remembering Hammond's previous injury.

Another source who witnessed the crash said that "Richard was travelling quite fast when he came off. It caused instant horror on set. There was a lot of concern. If his injuries had been serious it wouldn't have been easy to get medical attention. It's very remote there and facilities are basic." Hammond is supposedly fine now, but we're still waiting for some official confirmation.

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