Audi Didn't Just Bring R8s To Geneva, The Prologue Avant Concept Was There To Wow Wagon Lovers


Admittedly a smaller group than the supercar fans there for the R8s.

It can't be easy to get much attention directed towards a wagon at an international car show, especially one like Geneva which regularly sees debuts of all manner of exotics. So the fact that we were at all aware of the existence of the Audi Prologue Avant concept is saying a lot. The wagon isbased off of the earliercoupe concept, but in addition to the revised body, it has a hybrid drivetrain making 455 horsepower and 553lb-ft of torque.

This is a diesel hybrid as well, something Audi has some experience with thanks to its R18 race cars. But unlike the race cars, this one can go 33 miles in pure electric mode. It is a very attractive car, but not one that will be heading to production as-is. Our prediction is that a toned down and more sensible sedan version of this design language will become the next A8, although we would to be very surprised indeed if there were to a new Avant. The styling will eventually spread to other models, so there will be something like this, just don't expect it to be so massive.

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