Why Does Volvo Want You To Throw Away Your Car Keys?

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Turns out, you won't need them anymore.

Volvo has been on thecutting edgeof technology with some of its recent models. Now the automaker has set its sights on innovating the way we get into our cars. The Swedish company thinks that we should no longer use keys to get into and start our vehicles. By 2017, Volvo hopes to do away with physical keys for all of its models. By using a connection to your smartphone, you will be able to lock/unlock as well as start your vehicle. By using bluetooth rather than a data connection, the phone's range will be about the same as a normal key.

Volvo Car Group

You may ask why Volvo would want to limit the range of the phone's connectivity to the car. By keeping the range low, it will prevent anyone from "hacking" into your car. Volvo says that this feature will only be available in "limited numbers" at first and "physical keys will continue to be offered for people who want them." We kind of like the idea of starting our car with our phones, but what happens when your phone dies? The good-old fashioned car key may be dying out, but there is something to be said for simplicity that can always get you into your car.


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