Watch Mary Barra Take A Spin In A Driverless Chevrolet Bolt

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Describing the experience as "nothing short of incredible."

Many are doubtful the autonomous car will ever come to fruition.Cynics raise valid pointsabout job losses, security issues, and how a machine will be able to solve moral problems it may face. But the reality is that we're not far off from thetechnology becoming mainstream. In fact, since the middle of last year, Cruise - a self-driving car company - has been testing autonomous vehicles at night, with no driver.

General Motors is a majority shareholder in the company and therefore has a great interest in its developments. Keen to experience it first-hand,GM's CEO Mary Barraand President Mark Reuss got a ride in one of the driverless Chevrolet Bolts.

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Barra sat in the back of a Bolt test vehicle called Tostada, joined by Kyle Vogt, co-founder of Cruise. As the driverless Chevrolet arrives, the pair enter the car - GM's CEO is gobsmacked. "I always believed that we'd be doing it, but to actually be doing it, it's just surreal."

TheChevy Bolt EVdeparts smoothly, driving down the road with the utmost precision. Fellow motorists are in awe of what they see, with passers-by smiling and waving at the autonomous car and its passengers. Barra remarks that she has received a lot of questions on how GM will get people to adopt driverless technology. "[We've been] in the car for five minutes and the trust is there. I really think the apprehension that some people think they have is just going to fade extremely quickly."

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Reuss and his co-passenger, GM's VP of communications Craig Buchholz, make a few key points. "While the idea of anautonomous carmay seem pointless to many, for persons not able to drive themselves, the benefits are immeasurable. It changes everything. It opens so many doors for people that don't have those doors open. I'm thinking about people in my life who aren't able to drive anymore."

Both vehicles reach their destination without fuss, dropping the passengers and taking off again. Reuss gets out of the car at a loss for words. "[It's] absolutely flawless. I just can't believe it. It's unbelievable." GM's CEO was equally taken with the driverless experience, noting it will reduce traffic congestion in the future and change the way people move around. "I feel be on this journey since 2016 and watch what the Cruise team has accomplished."

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