Watch A Ford Bronco Badlands Stick A 43-Foot Jump

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This is badass, especially considering the driver is handicapped.

Despite asudden price increaseand continuous production issues, theFord Broncocontinues tosteal sales away from its competitorsand is proving to be quite the hit with aftermarket tuners. Those lucky enough to own a Bronco (the waiting list is insane) are constantly bragging about this compact SUV's off-road capability. We've witnessed it first hand, but we all know what happens when the testosterone levels are high and there are a few girls watching:we do stupid shit. We've seen Bronco owners ruin their rides when going balls to the wall, and Shaun from The Story Till Now clearly has a death wish for his brand new Ford Bronco Badlands Edition.

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Like any new Bronco owner, Shaun felt the need to jump his Bronco as high as possible without causing any major structural damage. In order to do so, he roped in his buddy Bruce Cook, an ATV-jumping, bike ramping maniac. Just the right man for the job. Bruce has a set of massive ramps in his backyard and has taken all sorts of motorized vehicles over its 43-foot gap without any major incidents, so this time shouldn't be any different, right? The Ford Bronco Badlands is one of the better cars to take on a jumping spree: its independent HOSS suspension system with Fox internal bypass dampers and disconnected front stabilizer bar gives it tons of articulation and forgiveness when doing hard landings, and with 315 lb-ft of torque, it will have no problem getting up to speed before soaring into the heavens in a blaze of glory.

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In the video, Shaun and Bruce prep the ramp by reshaping the approach and departure slopes. The plan is to get the car above 50 mph before the ramp. It should also be mentioned that Bruce is handicapped and drives the Bronco with a special set of handles and pulleys. Badass. Finally, Bruce lines up the Bronco and takes off. The Bronco gets a perfect launch and barrels to the ramp, hits it, then nails the landing. It was so clean that it didn't even look dramatic. So now we know that a Ford Bronco Badlands can clear a 43-foot gap, easy-peasy. In the interests of keeping Broncos - and you - alive, please don't try this at home.

The Story Till Now/YouTube The Story Till Now/YouTube

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