Was Toyota's Kikai The Most Bizarre Concept In Tokyo This Year?


This thing is totally nuts!

One of the coolest and downright bizarre vehicles to make its debut at the 2015 Tokyo Motor Show was undoubtedly Toyota's Kikai concept. It's hard to classifyjust exactly what the Kikai is, but if it looks something like a retro all-metal luxury dune buggy on steroids. Confused? So are we, but that doesn't take away from the awesomeness of this car, which will most likely never be seen in a production version. The Kikai appears to be the result pf Toyota's designers being given full creative freedom to design the wildest concept that they could imagine.

Regarding the concept, Toyota's official press release stated that it, "takes the machinery, normally hidden beneath the vehicle body, and makes an open display of its beauty." In line with this, some of the most interesting highlights on the Kikai include the fully exposed rear-mounted engine, shock absorbers and the wheels that can be seen from inside bubble shaped red leather cabin. What do you think of this totally outlandish concept?


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