Video: African Dictator's Supercars Seized in Paris

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The President of Equitorial Guinea has just seen 11 of his supercars confiscated by the French National Police.

Straight from Paris, France comes a story of 11 supercars that were seized by the French National Police. What is more compelling, however, is that these luxurious automobiles belong (or belonged) to African Dictator Teodoro Obiang Mbasogo. Mbasogo is the 'President' of Equatorial Guinea, a small African country that boasts an astonishingly poor poverty rate of 70 percent.

The oil-rich country saw a military coup in 1979 and Mbasogo has apparently used his acquired wealth to purchase not only a vast array of supercars but also exclusive property as well. The lineup of incredible cars features a Ferrari Enzo and 599 GTO, a pair of Bugatti Veyrons (A PAIR!), Maserati MC12, Porsche Carrera GT, Rolls-Royce Drophead Coupe, Aston Martin V8 V600 LM and a Bentley Azure amongst others. Apparently the French National Police is investigating Mbasogo and his son for using Eq. Guinea state funds to purchase property in France.

The cars were found at the dictator's Parisian residence on Avenue Foch, near the Arc de Triumph. The models seized carry a price tag of over $5 million. In comparison, the majority of people in his country earn £1 a day and relies on aid money to survive. Photos courtesy of Pa_Le via Flicker.

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