丰田认为AI Can Help Solve Boring Designs

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The automaker's new tool is seen to make the vehicle design process more effective.

Toyota wants to use artificial intelligence (AI) to design its cars more quickly,an approach similar to what Nissan has adoptedto make the vehicle design process more efficient. The Toyota Research Institute (TRI) has unveiled its new generative AI tool for that, aiming to enhance vehicle designs through aerodynamic optimization.

TRI's new AI tool can give engineering inputs to make the vehicle design process more effective. This allows Toyota's designers to integrate engineering constraints when conceptualizing a new vehicle design, making the process more efficient. It will also help bridge the gap between designers and engineers since TRI's new AI tool considers both form and function during the vehicle design process.


Drag, which is an engineering constraint, is one of the things that the new AI tool can incorporate into the process. This allows Toyota's designers to conceptualize a more aerodynamic vehicle design, which can result in producing a more fuel-efficient car.

TRI's AI tech is essentially allowing designers to use text prompts on a prototype sketch while also optimizing quantitative performance metrics such as aerodynamic drag. Toyota believes that this strategy will cut down the revisions on new car designs when engineering constraints are considered.

This approach could be deemed more advantageous compared to how Audi is using AI as a tool to developnext-generation wheel designs. The German automaker developed an AI software that collates old wheel designs to create a new concept, but there's no mention of considering engineering constraints in Audi's process.


TRI's new generative AI tool also intends to speed up the design process of Toyota's new EVs. With the capability to optimize drag, Toyota is optimistic that the new tech will allow its designers to come up with EVs that have a longer driving range.

The AI-based design process could also help bolster the business direction of Toyota's new CEO Koji Sato, which puts focus onramping up the EV portfolioof the automaker. Sato is also driven to introduce Toyota's next-generation EV platform in 2026. Currently, Toyota only offers a single fully electric vehicle, which is thebZ4X.


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