This Motorcycle Manufacturer Is Preparing To Launch A Concept Sports Car

2015 Tokyo Motor Show /23 Comments

Is it Harley-Davidson? No, no it's not.

The 2015 Tokyo Motor Show is going to be a very, very interesting auto show.We may get to see the nextMazda RX-9 show its face and will for sure be seeing the future of Mitsubishi. Not wanting to be left out, Yamaha dropped a bomb of its own in the form of a single rendering…of a sports car. The Japanese company best known for making motorcycles and instruments is apparently looking to enter the world of cars. According to Autocar, which cites unconfirmed sources, the concept could be called "4Wheeler."

If that is indeed the name of this concept it is pretty damn awful. Regardless, we're excited to see what Yamaha is cooking up. An affordable and mass-produced sports coupe is probably out of the question but perhaps the 4Wheeler could be a rich person's toy, a la the Ariel Atom and Nomad.

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