The New Ford Mustang V8 Sounds Epic In Latest Teaser

Detroit Auto Show /10 Comments

Ford continues to build up to the hype of the new Mustang before the reveal.

With thedebut of the new Mustangofficially announced for September 14, Ford is hard at work building hype for the 7th generationFord Mustang. And understandably so for the 120-year-old company. This is one of the last real driver's cars made here in America with a history dating back to 1964. We already knew Ford would continue tobring a V8 to the Mustang lineup, at least for now, but it's still nice to actually hear some confirmation.

Of course, this isn't an official confirmation, but the teaser Ford posted to its Twitter account really says it the best.
Ford Ford

The teaser, if you haven't already stopped reading to go listen to the clip, is an audio track of the new Mustang's V8 motor revving. It shows first, aslightly updated Mustang logo, which we've actually seen before. Then, as the V8 engine revs increase in intensity, a date begins to appear (guess what date). For each part of the MM/DD/YYYY format that appears, the V8 revs just a bit more. On the last blip of the throttle, the hashtag "#mustangstampede" appears below it all. That is what Ford is calling the lead-up to the 'Stang's Detroit Auto Show debut and we are all excited about the big reveal.

Motrolix/Youtube Motrolix/Youtube

If you're a little out of the loop, you may like to know that the #mustangstampede includes a road trip, where all enthusiasts and Mustang owners are welcome to roll along with Ford, from Tacoma, WA in the Pacific Northwest all the way to Ford's HQ in Dearborn, MI.

In the teaser when the Stang's revving is done, it shows the same title card we got last week (pictured below) while the car does a launch in the background. At least, that's what it sounds like to our ears. Who knows, maybe a pro driver is going to treat us to some Mustang launches, burnouts, and serious hooning for the reveal?

Ford Motrolix/Youtube

Speaking of, Ford has also confirmed that you'll have the option to launch your Mustang the old-fashioned way, saying back in June that the new 'Stang will get a six-speed manual. Hopefully, that can get brought back for the next GT500 but most likely not. That option is too far away to worry about right now.

The bigger question is how the new Mustang will look. The leak pictured below is our best lead as of now, but we'll have to wait for the car's official debut. The face drew mixed responses from the public, and we're curious to see just how the new front fascia works with the rest of the car. You'll be able to attend the debut in person at the Detroit Auto Show, but supposing you can't make it, Ford will also be live streaming the event on its social media platforms.


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