Tesla-Rivaling OEM Charging Network Promises Faster Charging Than V4 Superchargers

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And 60% higher charge rates than Tesla's V3 Superchargers.

Since news broke last week that a super alliance of automakerswill build a charging networkto rival the Tesla Supercharger network, more details have been uncovered that paint a bigger picture of what this will look like.The Drivehas learned from an alliance spokesperson that the new DC fast chargers featuring both the North American Charging Standard (NACS) and Combined Charging System (CCS) plugs plan to offer speeds up to 400 kW.

From the outset, though, a minimum 350 kW speed will be offered from both connectors, in line with the rates provided by charging networks like Electrify America. This is ahead of Tesla's current V3 Superchargers, which only offer speeds up to 250 kW, with a planned 324 kW upgrade still in the works.


Aiming for a 350 kW minimum is a smart move because we envision that will be the baseline charging speed in the industry in just a few short years. Beyond that speed is just future-proofing, much like the recent rumors that Tesla's new V4 Superchargers are technically capable of charging speeds up to 600 kW, but have been recentlyconfirmed to offer 350 kW speeds. Thefastest-charging EVsall charge at 350 kW, but if the infrastructure can provide more, then future 800-volt EV architecture will be happy to sap up the juice as quickly as it can.

When will we see these 400kW charging speeds? That's to be determined, but the spokespersonThe Drivespoke to made it seem like it could take a while before they're realized. "We expect long waiting times for 400 kW chargers as this technology is new and in a ramp-up phase," they said. "In order to quickly establish a network, the Alliance will start with a focus on 350 kW but increase to 400 kW as soon as market conditions allow a mass rollout."


The spokesperson also said that it's most likely the first fast chargers it rolls out won't be able to just switch to 400 kW charging speeds but that new ones will be rolled out to account for the increase. It's possible that software updates won't necessitate this, but the company won't know until the infrastructure is built out more.

It all sounds very similar to what Tesla is doing with its V4 Supercharger rollout. These new Superchargers have to be installed so that 350 kW charging can be offered, and with that, the companycan also introduce user upgradesthat will make them much easier to work with since the network is being opened up to competitors for the first time. It's going to be weird seeing aHummer EV SUVcharging next to a Model 3, but that's certainly a sign of progress. And as the old adage goes, competition drives innovation.

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