Tesla Model S With Turbo-Diesel Range Extender Is One Way To Solve Range Anxiety

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Electric vehicles (EVs) have come a long way from where they started, but range anxiety still exists despite theincreasing number of peoplewilling to buy the vehicle type. However, some ingenious and creative people are trying to work around that, which is why we now have a turbo-diesel range extender on aTesla Model Sthat gives it a 1,600-mile range.

After its previous project, aTesla with jet boosters, YouTube channelWarped Perceptiondecided to embark on a 2,500-mile road trip using a modified Tesla Model S P85D equipped with a turbo diesel engine. You heard that right - these folks chose to resolve their bouts of range anxiety and take matters into their own hands.

Warped Perception / YouTube
Warped Perception / YouTube
Warped Perception / YouTube

The modified setup, although somewhat externally visible, appears mostly sleek. However, a noticeable drawback arose immediately: the diesel engine was noisy, compromising the quiet luxury associated with EVs. The constant droning noise throughout the journey proved a significant drawback, even though it successfully propelled the vehicle to its destination.

Cooling was another concern. The diesel engine experienced continuous overheating issues, resulting in slower charging of the batteries by the approximately 25-horsepower generator. Despite efforts to address this issue with a large roof scoop, the engine only operated at 80 percent power. Nevertheless, the Model S traveled 1,600 miles on a single charge with a full diesel tank.

Warped Perception / YouTube
Warped Perception / YouTube
Warped Perception / YouTube

Unfortunately, the car did not consistently operate at peak efficiency, consuming 77 gallons of fuel during the video shoot. This equated to a fuel efficiency of approximately 35 mpg, comparable to a 2023Honda Civicrunning solely on its engine.

Considering the Tesla Model S's larger size, weight, and higher power output, this fuel economy figure may disappoint those prioritizing ecological considerations. The YouTube channel is now contemplating utilizing a supercharged rotary engine in the next iteration of their hybrid Model S concept to enhance efficiency and streamline the vehicle further. A rotary-powered range extender for EV, if onlyMazda thought of that already.

Warped Perception / YouTube
Warped Perception / YouTube
Warped Perception / YouTube

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