New Two-Wheeled Electric Vehicle Wants To Change The Way We Look At Cars

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It's called SHANE and, despite appearances, it can seat up to five occupants.

With the electric era fast approaching, automakers have been determined to introduce new andinnovative mobility experiences for motorists, and the latest is SHANE, a two-wheeled electric concept that promises exceptional efficiency, safety - and space for five occupants.

While it may look barely bigger than aFiat 500e, SHANE can comfortably accommodate five adults. But before we get into that, let's look at the idea.

两轮创造使我tself upright and stable thanks to the shifting center of gravity relative to the wheels. This counters acceleration or braking energy and keeps the car level, even at highway speeds. According to the creator, this makes SHANE as stable and safe as a regular four-wheeled car.

"Two-wheeled cars have simply not been practical or stable enough for everyday driving until now. I was excited to create a car concept with two wheels that can go at high speeds and be energy efficient," says Shane Chen, the inventor behind this unique idea.

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But how does it steer around obstacles? Or park? Instead of relying on front wheels, SHANE is equipped with a two-wheel differential speed control system. As shown in the video above, the entire vehicle pivots on the spot to fit into a tight parallel parking bay. We can also see how the body extends back and forth to keep the vehicle perfectly balanced.

No information has been provided about the battery size or energy consumption. However, SHANE does come equipped with massive wheels that are said to minimize rolling resistance. They're also equipped with regenerative shocks that can convert damping movements into energy for the battery, somethingBMW patented some time back. There's no mention of the roof, but this appears to have solar panels that may channel renewable electricity to the battery pack.

"I truly believe SHANE will make a difference in how we approach mobility, and I look forward to collaborating with partners to bring this concept to life," added Chen.

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It doesn't resemble your average car, but the preview shows that SHANE can comfortably seat five occupants. There are no signs of conventional controls, with a simple control panel between the front passengers. The lack of a steering wheel suggests the two-wheeler will at least feature autonomous capabilities. Should this ever reach production, we're guessing the final product will appear more conventional than the current design.

Whilethree-wheeled cars enjoy a cult followingin the greater automotive sphere,two-wheeled vehicleshave never taken off due to their impracticality and lack of stability. But as cities become more congested and populations continue to soar, it's interesting to see designers looking at new ways to mobilize the masses.

Chen, the designer behind the SHANE two-wheeler, can be credited with inventing the Hoverboard, Solowheel, and the AquaSkipper, among other things. It will be interesting to see if this project takes off. Our roads would undoubtedly look a lot more interesting.

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