Musk Says The Tesla Semi Will Ship To Buyers This Year

Electric Vehicles /3 Comments

Elon also made claims on Twitter about production Cybertruck deliveries.

Elon Musk claims the Tesla Semi truck will start reaching customers by the end of this year. Do we have any reason to doubt the man?

The Semi was unveiled back in 2017 with the promise it would reach trucking companies in 2019. The next promises were 2020 and then 2021. But still no truck. Now it appears the new target is within six months. Tesla aims to make good on deliveries of the 500-mile range Semi and reassured the public that theCybertruckwould arrive by 2023 (something he confirmed at the annual meeting earlier this month) but there was no still word on the long-range Semi.

"Tesla 500 mile range Semi Truck starts shipping this year, Cybertruck next year," Elon Musk claimed on Twitter to his 103 million followers.

The statement was a bit of a 180 from earlier statements that said 2023 was the target for the big EV hauler. We have seen the Tesla Semi prototypes on the road,delivering superchargers to Laguna Seca Raceway. The network of Tesla Megachargers has begun with four units at the Gigafactory Nevada near where the Semi prototypes are produced. Outside the Tesla property, Megachargers have also been installed at the Frito Lay factory in Modesto, CA.


Although a few specs and suggested pricing has been released, there still are a number of unanswered questions about the Tesla Semi. Initially, the company said the 500-mile version would cost $180,000 and up to $200,000 for the Founders Edition but nothing official is released. The range was claimed to be 300 or 500 miles and consumed under 2 kWh/mile but no confirmation on the long-range Semi. The Tesla Semi is claimed to be powerful enough to hit 60 mph with an 80,000-pound payload in only 20 seconds, so unloaded it should really cook with its four separate motors on rear axles.

It is still unclear what battery or specs the Semi will use as the design was conceived at a time the older 2170 cells were the standard versustoday's 4680 battery cells. Beyond that, the Semi has big promises to deliver on in 2022, much like the controversial Cybertruck will do in 2023.

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