奔驰背景下撞向Tesla Dealership In San Francisco

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Mercedes driver strikes first blow in EV wars.

Images have emerged of a rather unfortunate incident that took place on Labor Day. The driver of a silver Mercedes-Benz SLK crashed into a Tesla dealership in San Francisco. According to theSan Francisco Chronicle, the sporty Benz crashed into the showroom on Van Ness Avenue at around 2 pm, shattering a pair of 15-foot-high windows and injuring one person, presumably the driver. Witnesses at the scene claim the driver was attempting to change lanes when he hit the curb.

Panicked, he hit the gas, clipped a tree, knocked over a mailbox, a Muni sign and a traffic control box, before careering into the Tesla dealer.

No Tesla merchandise was damaged, and no people were hit, but a BMW 5 Series was taken out in the accident suffering what appears to be relatively minor damage. Traffic lights at the intersection with O'Farrell Street were taken out as a result of the damage to the traffic control box, requiring transit officials to direct traffic for a couple of hours. The extent of the damage to the SLK isn't clear but the sports car looks to be in pretty bad shape, absorbing the majority of the impact. The front end in particular took a beating, with the hood, headlights and front bumper all destroyed.

Source Credits: twitter.com

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