Mercedes Is Still Having Its Greatest Sales Year Of All Time


Nothings seems to be stopping Mercedes.

This year, 2018, may go down as a historic year for Mercedes-Benz. Afterearning the sales crown in 2017, Mercedes followed it up withrecord sales numbers in the early part of 2018. Now that we have reached the half-way point in 2018, automakers are publishing their sales figures, and the news just keeps looking up for Mercedes. The German automaker just had its best half-year in company history with 1,188,832 units sold (an increase of 3.9%). It also had the strongest quarter ever with 594,528 units sold (an increase of 1.9%).

In the month of June alone, Mercedes delivered 200,000 vehicles globally. "Thanks to an outstanding team performance, we can look back on the most successful half-year in the history of Mercedes-Benz: with more than 1.18 million cars sold in the first six months, we have laid a good foundation for a successful year 2018," said Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG. So what helped contribute to this success? SUVs of course. Mercedes sold 422,645 units of the GLA, GLC, GLC Coupe, GLE, GLE Coupe, GLS and G-Class (up 9.8%).

Even with a production fire at a US supplier, the company's plant in Tuscaloosa, Alabama still managed to pump out an insane number of SUVs. The Smart brand even managed to contribute 65,660 units (down 6%). As Mercedes gets set toreveal refreshed versions of the GLEand GLE Coupe, andnew variants of the A-Class like the rumored GLB, the company should continue to dominate in luxury vehicle sales.

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