Japan's Abandoned Cars Are Sad Enough To Make Any Gearhead Cry

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Here are some of the coolest cars in the Land of the Rising Sun left at the mercy of time.

Japan is known to be the birth of some of thecoolest cars on the planet, but it isn't immune to having abandoned cars - whether out in the open or within enclosed spaces.

Automotive enthusiast and formerSpeed Huntersteam member Dino Dalle Carbonare - the same guy who brought us the country'ssnazziest yet hidden car meets- uncovers a surprising number of abandoned cars, each with its tale of neglect and nostalgia. Some of them are even hidden gems, which brings us to question the mystery behind their abandonment.

Presented in a video series, Dino reveals the enduring presence of forgotten automotive relics amidst Japan's bustling urban landscapes and serene rural settings.

Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube

Beginning the journey with an MR2, Dino revisits a car featured in aSpeed Huntersstory from years ago. The car's owner explained it broke and was never fixed, but he couldn't let it go due to sentimental value. Despite the weathering and rust, it is a testament to one's unique connection with their vehicles.

In central Tokyo, Dino showcases an R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II, a once-mighty machine now weathered by time - one of only approximately 1,800 examples ever made. The abandoned sports car, adorned with LM GT4s and Nissan Prince badges, paints a poignant picture of neglect. The absence of a car cover and the presence of cracked tires and aftermarket modifications tell a silent story of a vehicle left to decay in the heart of the city.

While casually driving through Chiba, Dino stumbles upon an abandoned Mazda RX-7 - a vehicle that once turned heads (andstill does if well-maintained). Speculating on the potential reasons for its abandonment - mechanical issues, financial constraints, or the passing of its owner - remains elusive. The FD even sports a set of Panasport G7 wheels wrapped in flat tires, highlighting the rotary-powered coupe's deteriorating condition.

Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube

There's also one parked and abandoned Nissan Skyline "Kenmeri" 2000 GTX that tugs at the heartstrings. Despite the owner's effort in customization, the vehicle now rusts away. Parked alongside a GMC Yukon, the contrast between two eras of automotive history is striking, highlighting the diverse range of forgotten vehicles strewn across Tokyo.

An early '90s Honda NSX (orAcura NSXin the US) is a poignant reminder of time's relentless march. The once sleek and sophisticated sports car is now covered in dust. The reasons behind such neglect remain unknown, leaving room for speculation.

Dino moves on to an open space with a Toyota Altezza (otherwise known as theLexus IS), abandoned with its set of Yokohama AVS Model T5 wheels. It is a project car frozen in time, covered in mold and rust. With each passing year, the potential continuation of this project dwindles.

Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube

The melancholy continues with an E30 BMW M3 - a coveted classic tilted to one side due to decades of immobility. Despite the elegance of its design, the vintage beauty is left in a state of deterioration.

视频结尾重新审视过去:一个Ford RS200 and E34 BMW M5, both still standing in the same spots over a decade later. The former is popular as arare Group B homologation gem, so it's disheartening to know that one of the few hundred made is left hidden away in a garage.

Dino shared that he featured both inSpeed Huntersin 2009, with the complex's owner saying that their owner has been paying for the parking spot monthly to keep them there. While the M5 is flat-tired and weathered, the RS200 now boasts a cover, revealing that the owner, though absent, still cares for these automotive relics.

If only these cars could talk, we're sure we'll hear many stories that are otherwise left to mystery at this point. It's a nostalgic yet tragic sight, setting the stage for the next episode of this abandoned cars series.

Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube Dino DC/YouTube

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