Jaguar Admits AWD F-Type Coupe R Is Only The Beginning


Things are about to get bonkers.

If you want the best, most capable high-performance Jaguar yet, your answer is the F-Type Coupe R with all-wheel-drive. Well, for now that is. Speaking recently to AutoGuide, Group Sales Operations Director for Jaguar Land Rover, Andy Goss, admitted that his company has "taken the F-Type so far but we'll take it a lot further. We'll dial in more performance without a shadow of doubt." As of right now, that F-Type R AWD can make the sprint from 0-60 mph in 3.9 seconds and has a top speed of 186 mph.

然而,这还不走od enough for Jaguar. "The F-Type will be a range of products not a product," Goss continued. Sounds to us like Jaguar's plans for the F-Type are quite similar to what Porsche has done with the 911 for years. No exact timetable for more F-Type variants has been given but Goss added that Jaguar wants to be known as the "performance brand of choice...and by 2020 you're going to see just how far we can take that."

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