Hundreds Of Chevy Corvette Z06 Deliveries Are Being Delayed Indefinitely

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Owners are waiting while the semi-complete cars are stacking up in storage lots.

A growing number of nervously anticipating mid-engineChevrolet Corvette Z06owners find themselves in an unexpected waiting game as they eagerly await the delivery of their prized vehicles. Frustratingly, their orders have reached "Code 3800" status, signifying that their cars have been built, and yet their delivery dates have been pushed back indefinitely.

In Corvette enthusiasts' lexicon, Code 3800 marks a milestone: the car's construction is complete. However, it's important to note that this does not translate to readiness for transport, as various trim options might still need installation before the coveted "4B00" code status is attained.

According toCorvetteBlogger, the root cause of this frustrating delay seems to be the scarcity of carbon fiber trim option components. This issue has been a subject of widespread speculation among customers who opted for thecarbon fiber trim packages, with discussions unfolding on theMidEngineCorvette forumsite.

Chevrolet General Motors

"My Z06 with the Z07 package came off the line on Aug 31st, with a scheduled museum delivery on Friday Sept 15th. The delivery date was canceled and put on hold," one customer toldCorvetteBlogger.

However, General Motors (GM) has remained tight-lipped about the specifics of the supply bottlenecks despite inquiries made during the production halt week of August 29.

Drones have captured a striking image of the backlog of nearly completed Corvettes, standing like sentinels behind GM'sBowling Green assembly plant in Kentucky. These images, taken over a month ago byCorvetteBlogger, paint a vivid picture of the situation.

Compounding the anxiety of these awaiting Corvette owners is the ongoing United Auto Workers (UAW) strikeaffecting major American automotive giantsFord, GM, and Stellantis. This labor unrest casts a shadow of uncertainty over the Bowling Green plant's operations, and unless the union and manufacturers reach a swift agreement, the strike could disrupt production further.

General Motors General Motors General Motors

At the moment, Corvette production remains unscathed by the UAW strike, and the delays appear to be solely supply chain-related. However, a cloud of potential disruption looms, as GM's car hauler, Jack Cooper Transporters, has publicly declared that they will not cross UAW picket lines.

Economists have projected significant financial losses for GM and Ford, estimating weekly losses ranging from $100 million to $125 million as long as the strike persists. In contrast, the UAW appears better prepared for an extended standoff, with approximately $825 million in its strike fund, potentially enabling them to endure up to 11 weeks.

As speculation surrounds the Corvette's delayed deliveries, one thing remains certain: the allure of the new Z06 is undeniable. Regardless of the waiting period, enthusiasts agree that the anticipation will be worth the eventual thrill of owning this exceptional sports car.

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