Hot Wheels Sets Record with 92-Foot Corkscrew Jump


Team Hot Wheels flips for a new world record.

Think Hot Wheels are for kids? Think again. Oh, they're fun alright, but the Mattel toy-car brand has gotten down to some serious business, setting its third world record in eighteen months with this 92-foot corkscrew jump. The stunt was performed by Brent Fletcher, a renowned Hollywood stunt driver, who flipped the racing buggy side-to-side by a full 360 degrees over the distance of 92 feet. To get there, Fletcher had to hit the ramp at 54 mph And rotate 230 degrees per second in mid-air, which is no mean feat in a 2,600 lb buggy.

Call it one more feather in the Team Hot Wheels cap and another for Fletcher, who has coordinated the double-loop stunt for the team at the Los Angeles X Games this summer and has driven in several blockbuster movies.

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