Has Mercedes Already Bettered BMW's Remote Parking?

Technology /24 Comments

When you just can't find that damn valet.

When BMWrevealed its new7 Series last month, one of the numerous technological gadgets boasted by the company was an innovative remote parking system. Controlled from the BMW Display Key, it allows owners to maneuver in and out of tight parking spaces without having to actually be inside the car. Not willing to be left behind, Mercedes-Benz is already showcasing its own remote parking system, which is expected to launch on the 2017 E-Class. One-upping BMW, Mercedes allows its drivers to control the car from a smartphone app.

Although the new E is still heavily camouflaged, the company has released this video showcasing just how smoothly its system functions. But with your colleagues' Mercs parked right alongside you, you may want to master its maneuvers before experimenting at work:

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