How Special Camo Kept New Ford Ranger's Design A Secret

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Ford will let you see it when it's good and ready.

Ford Australia released a press statement explaining how its designers developed a camouflage that helps the upcomingRangerhide in plain sight. As we know, carmakers will do almost anything to disguise upcoming models. Most of the time, it's basic black and white camouflage, but some manufacturers will even add additional fake body panels. A recent trend is painting cars in Vantablack so cameras couldn't pick up any defining features.Ferrari used this trickwhile developing the SF 90.

Ford says the aim of its blue, white, and black camouflage is to "confuse the eye and prevent industry spies from being able to focus on the vehicle's features."

Ford's latest pattern is inspired by the block pattern of both theBronco R Baja racerand mountain ranges.

Ford Australia/YouTube

The camouflage consists of hundreds of colored pixelated blocks, so you can't see the underlying shape.

Another reason manufacturers disguise new cars is to keep consumers from finding out a new model is on the way. Why buy a Ranger now when a new one is coming, right? This is not the case with the Ranger. Ford is happy to admit this is the new Ranger, but it's not quite ready to reveal it yet. There's even a QR code on the side that will take you to a page that will tell you more.

"We were asked to develop a camouflage that allowed you to see that this is the new Ranger but not see it at the same time," said Leigh Cosentino, Design Manager at Ford Australia.

Ford Australia/YouTube
Ford Australia/YouTube
Ford Australia/YouTube

"There's no line work on this camo that aligns with anything on the exterior, and that means you can't see volume or shape or lines in the vehicle," added Lee Imrie, Ford Australia designer. "My intention with this design was to scatter your eye so that you can't focus on a specific line, and the color patching adds to that effect."

The camouflage took a full two months to develop and test. Ford is quite serious about keeping the Ranger hidden until it's ready. According to the press release, Ford is currently busy doing final sign-off drives. The Ranger will finally lose its disguise later this year. Unfortunately, the USA will have towait a bit longer for the Ranger.

Ford unveiled this new camouflage with a YouTube video, but it shows almost nothing. We know the Ranger has wheels, a load bin, daytime running lights, and a starter button. An earlierteaser video from FordUSA also didn't reveal much, apart from the new Ranger's off-road abilities.


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