Cruise Self-Driving Robotaxi Going Global Amid US Backlash

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It will be a joint venture between GM's Cruise and Honda, set to roll out in early 2026.

GM's Cruise and Honda have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, seeking to create a joint venture that will put self-driving Robotaxis on Japan's roads. This development comes amid much backlash against Cruise'sChevy Bolt EVautonomous vehicles (AV) in the US, involving accidents and mishaps with emergency responders.

According to the release, the joint venture will see the Cruise Origin - an AV co-developed by the three companies - in service in early 2026. It can be hailed by users using a dedicated app (like Uber), picking up a customer at a specific location and "drive" them to the set destination.

Cruise Honda Cruise

The Cruise Origin,introduced in 2020, is a self-driving vehicle without a driver's seat and steering wheel. It can accommodate up to six people aboard, sitting face-to-face.

The first batch of Cruise Origins is expected to roll out in central Tokyo, starting with a dozen units. The company will eventually increase this to a fleet of 500 units, expanding further in areas outside Japan's capital. The service is claimed to answer Japan's societal issues, such as the shortage of taxi and bus drivers.

"Honda has been a key partner with Cruise for several years and we're excited to offer safer and more accessible transportation to customers in Tokyo," said Kyle Vogt, CEO of Cruise. "All of our work scaling in dense urban US markets will position us well to address the huge opportunity for autonomous vehicles in Japan."

Cruise Cruise Cruise

Cruise's rollout of self-driving Robotaxis has been tumultuous in the US. After getting a green light in San Francisco, a Cruise AV got involved in a collision accident with a fire truck, with the former failing to recognize the emergency responder in an intersection. This prompted Cruise to suspend half of its fleet.

Meanwhile, another Robotaxi hit a pedestrian and got stuck on the victim after stopping. Rescuers had difficulty removing the AV since there was no manual override. Cruise has sincerolled out a comprehensive updateto its AVs to address the issues concerning said incidents.

The Cruise Origin will be previewed in the metal in Tokyo at the 2023 Japan Mobility Show next week from October 25 until November 5. It will likely get the updated software when it launches, but for the sake of pedestrians and other road users in Tokyo, we hope Cruise fixes all its issues completely before rolling on public roads.

Cruise Cruise Cruise

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