Crazy Mechanic Spent Four Years Electrifying His Rolls-Royce Wraith

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He was so committed to the project, he had to sell his house and his wife ended up leaving him.

If you want something done, sometimes you just have to do it yourself. While many high-class customers wait for the arrival ofthe Spectre EV, a man in Richmond, Canada, decided to invest a large amount of time and capital into converting hisRolls-Royce Wraithinto a fully electric car in his garage and basement. We're used to seeingclassics converted to EVs, but this is something different.

Speaking toRichmond Newsis Vincent Yu who took four years to throw out the standard BMW-sourced twin-turbocharged V12 gasoline engine and replace it with an electrified powertrain. We don't know which EV acted as the donor for this project, but Yu confirms that he took the time to fly across the USA, Japan, and Germany just to purchase special parts. Helping him achieve this goal was a small team that aided him in removing the fuel tank, engine, and exhaust system to make way for the electric motor, battery pack, and charging system.

Richmond News
Richmond News

Yu says, "Many people think I'm nuts, hearing my idea of converting my gasoline car to an electric one. But I'm so used to people making fun of me. My head is always in the clouds." While these four years may seem like a waste of time to some, the experience he gained by working on this conversion has afforded him the skills to open his workshop which he calls Mars Power. The team that assisted with this conversion is employed by the new business.

The new shop will be located in North Richmond and will focus on converting internal combustion engine cars into electrified ones,similar to the Lunaz Group. Yu doesn't disclose how much the project cost him altogether but he confirms that he had to put his house on the market to help finance this passion. This decision was so severe that it resulted in his wife packing her things and leaving him.

Richmond News
Richmond News

Yu says that the only person who understood his passion was his neighbor who was apparently forced to inspect updates made to the car on a daily basis. Now that it is complete, he says that the custom electric car can cover a distance of just over 310 miles on a single charge. A full tank of gas would have cost him just over $90 but now he only needs to spend about $6 to fill the battery with electricity.

That saving is great but is that why Yu invested so much time and money into getting this conversion done? He explains that his motivation behind this whole journey was his daughter who criticized him for driving around in a large internal combustion-powered car and polluting the planet.

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Source Credits: Richmond News

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