Colorado Gas Station Posts Fuel Prices Next To EV Charging Prices

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Posting side-by-side helps but Choice Market offers so much more while charging.

We all discuss the cost savings during endless EV versus gas-powered vehicle debates.CarBuzzalso pointed out howAmericans were measuring mileage wrong for EVcars but now one gas station with charging spots has really simplified it for the public. The Choice Market station in Denver, Colorado built digital signage showing current rates for EV kWh charging, and now it's even more of a gap than we've seen versus gallons of gas over the past couple years.

The Choice Market may only have two charging stations and aNissan Leafpromo car at the Denver location but the concept is more than just a comparative mileage cost proposition. The Choice Market aims to be an ideal place for EV drivers to stop and charge, but with a lounge and shopping opportunities for healthy eating rather than the junk food found at competing charging points.

Choice Market

"It's a pretty good rate, honestly, for charging up at 15 cents," Ben Kipfer, Chief Operating Officer of Choice Market toldThe Drive. "It's something different and we want to get people inside the four walls, obviously, as well. People walk in here, they always say, 'This is the nicest gas station I've ever been in.' It's organic, non-GMO, and local. I think people love it,"

Overhalf of EV drivers don't really care about the environment, so the cost benefits work but perhaps they can look to Choice Market to at least buy healthy and responsible snacks while charging. The branding of the station is a bare, minimalist approach in simple black and white colors offering a 'modern convenience' environment where drivers can enjoy their 30-50 minute stay.

Right beside its traditional gas pumps, the Choice Market offers two 50 kW chargers with standard connectors and those that fit the Nissan Leaf. The Choice Market Nissan Leaf company car is telling of which way the company sees transportation trends going. Although gas prices in the US havefallen for the seventh straight week, the signage reads $4.49 / gallon compared to $0.15 / kWh.

While the price of gasoline continues to shift, prices for kW are also in motion with the market and certainly higher peak rates. As with Tesla Superchargers, it is best to go off hours but like many charging stations, they aren't pleasant to hang around at night. While we agree Choice Market is on to a solid concept here, Audi is on track to do an even betterlounge experience for EV charging hubs. Surely in the next decade, elaborate charging facilities will be fantastic places to wait around for your charge.

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