BMW To Rebrand Alpina For Luxurious Future

Industry News /Comments

It looks sleek and modern compared to the old one, but how will the brand evolve?

According to patent trademarks recently uncovered by theBMW i5Talk forum, BMW has filed trademark applications in Germany for new versions of the Alpina logo. The trademark involves Three new logos: one of the new name "BMW ALPINA," one with the words A, BMW, and Alpina stacked, and one of just the A in Alpina (both the first and last in their mirrored versions). All use a new font that is more stylized and sleek than before, with the A utilizing sleek curved lines that are distantly reminiscent of the F1 logo.

This all comes a year after it was announcedBMW would be purchasing Alpina, a move that surprised many after so many years of independence. The decision for Alpina to sell to BMW came from how hard it will be for small-volume manufacturersto survive into the electric future. The infusion into BMW is the most sensible solution to the problem, and it all but guarantees many more B8 andXB7models for years to come.


Back to the logos, though. The entire Alpina name is now much thinner than before, but it's really obvious the new logo isn't a complete redesign as much as it is a re-imagination of the old logo with the elongated lettering still there. The A is the most interesting part though.

We're interested to see just how all of this will be used. We can imagine the new Alpina logo will replace the logo normally found on the front of its cars, and perhaps the single A will become a calling card, potentially being incorporated into the BMW logo itself to further help to set the cars apart. The cascading name of A BMW ALPINA then has us thinking it could be used on press releases and the like, or perhaps even inscribed onto cars in nondescript areas.


Whatever happens, we're excited to see what BMW has in store for the company, which will continue as is until BMW assumes full control in 2026. By that point, BMW'sNeue Klasse of electric vehicleswill be in full swing, and it's not impossible Alpina could be turned into a high-end electric sub-brand or something close to it. We imagine it will evolve into a Maybach equivalent with added luxury and bespokery as a bridge between BMW and Rolls-Royce.

This new font would certainly make more sense on an electric vehicle than the old one, which is too reminiscent of old BMWs. We'll just have to wait and see when BMW intends to utilize these logos, and hopefully, we're not waiting three years to see them on a car for the first time.

2023-2024 BMW Alpina B8 Gran Coupe Frontal Aspect BMW
2023-2024 BMW Alpina B8 Gran Coupe Front Bumper BMW
2023-2024 BMW Alpina B8 Gran Coupe Logo BMW

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