5 Hilarious Canine Car Commercials

Offbeat /14 Comments

Dogs and cars are the formula for any good commercial.

It's a well-known fact that car commercials starring dogs are usually hilarious in nature, which is more than can be said about automotive ads starring cats. All feline swipes aside, cars and canines are a winning formula that many ad agencies have capitalized upon. It's such a good combination that even Super Bowl commercials have been made featuring dogs and cars. If you're someone who loves your car as much as you love your dog, then you're going to want to check out all of these hilarious canine car commercials.

This Volkswagen commercial has the two elements every commercial needs to be successful: a fat dog and Star Wars. This commercial debuted during the 2012 Super Bowl and narrowly edged out "The Bark Side" (the one where the dogs bark "The Imperial March" for a spot on this list.

斯巴鲁's "Dog Tested" series of ads are some of the funniest car commercials in recent years. This spot from the series focuses on two dogs that get their parking spot stolen by an age-old foe. If a dog driving doesn't make you want to buy a Subaru, then what will?

Pamela Anderson probably shed a tear when she saw this Opel commercial for the Astra GTC. All C.J. Parker tears aside, this commercial shows what most men would probably like to do with their girlfriend's small and undoubtedly yappy dogs.

You may have no soul if you can't laugh at two dogs trying in vain to parallel park. It's sad to say that the dogs in this Subaru commercial may be as good of parallel parkers as some humans.

This hilarious commercial is actually an ad for Bridgestone, but it does feature a not so subtle nod to Mercedes-Benz. Who knew that canine infidelity and suicide could be so funny?

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