4 Ridiculous Veyron Crashes

Crash /49岁的评论

Finding a clip of a Veyron crash is almost as rare as seeing one of the French supercars in the wild.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that there aren't many Bugatti Veyron crash videos. For some reason, the world's wealthiest don't seem to wreck their French supercars as often as they wreck their Italian supercars. However, just because Bugatti owners rarely wreck doesn't mean that there aren't a few Veyron crash videos floating around. These clips aren't exactly gnarly but they get the job done.

This Veyron-into-lake video stars Andy House, a man who will go down in history as one of the dumbest auto insurance defrauders ever. All funny insurance fraud videos aside, there's something incredibly depressing about watching a Veyron become a submarine.

Consider this clip a tutorial of what not to do on a Bugatti test drive. Hopefully this dealership doesn't operate under the "You Break It You Buy It" policy.

Consider this clip a tutorial of how not to do donuts in the Veyron. Who would guess that a supercar with over 1,000 hp would be a tad bit tough to do donuts in? Not the French, that's for sure.

This clip is more of a "rooster" tease than anything else. The Veyron in it may not crash, but it comes close. Hey, there are only about 500 of these cars in the world. Of those, not many are caught crashing on video, let alone almost crashing.

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